Devotional Blog Tuesday, August 23,

Devotional for August 23, 2022

The Chief Shepherd Comes for Us



Most people love a good awards ceremony. You love to get awards, and receive the recognition that comes with them, and you enjoy seeing your loved ones (especially children) be recognized. That is true throughout time and in all cultures, including in the time of Jesus and the early church. In the Roman empire, sporting events were a big deal; and part of the whole thing was the judgement seat the winners would face, in which their performance of events would be reviewed. If they performed properly and to standard, a crown of laurel would be their reward. 

In this passage, Peter is speaking primarily to the elders or pastors of the churches to whom this letter was written. Nonetheless, this lesson can be applied to you. Jesus is your Shepherd; He leads, provides for and protects you. Like a shepherd would, Jesus literally laid down His life for you, His sheep. The reference in this passage speaks to the multiple roles of Jesus. All the saved are His flock, and He does for you as any shepherd does for the sheep. He is the One who will one day judge you for your works as a Christian. 

For what will the elders and pastors be judged? For what will all who lead others in the Christian life be judged? This is not difficult to discern, if you just look to the example of Jesus your Shepherd. You are to lead, provide for and protect those for whom you are responsible. You are to lead them in the right and safe way.

JUST A THOUGHT: You may not be called to literally die for your loved ones, but you are still called to sacrifice yourself for them.

Wally Fry