Sunday School ADULT LESSON COMMENTARY, Spring 2025
An exposition on each quarter’s Through-the-Bible Sunday School lesson text complete with “Word Studies” which supply detail on Greek words and from the text and “Manna” that adds interesting background information about the text.
Product Description
A great resource to accompany the Adult Quarterly, the Adult Lesson Commentary contains an exposition of the Sunday School lesson’s Scripture text.
To help teachers and students look deeper into the Scripture text, “Word Studies” and “Manna” boxes can easily be found in the book’s sidebars to supply readers with detail on Greek words and from the Scripture text and interesting background information about the Scripture text.
This book follows the Through-the-Bible Ten Year Cycle.
Spring 2025 Quarter at a Glance
Quarterly Theme: The Rise And Fall Of A Nation
Quarterly Aim: The student will learn that whether God's people receive blessings through obedience or punishment from disobedience, God's glory will prevail in the end.
Solomon's Fame Was Reduced to Shame (1 Kings 10:1 - 11:43; 2 Chroniocles 8:1 - 9:31)
God's Prophet of Miracles (1 Kings 19:19-21;2 Kings 2:12 - 8:15; 13:20-25)
God's Prophet of Doom (Obadiah; 2 Kings 8:16-29; 2 Chronicles 21:1-20)
Judgement on the House of Ahab (2 Kings 9:1 - 10:36; 2 Chronicles 22:1-9)
A Revival Digresses to Disobedience (2 Kings 11:1 - 12:12; Chronicles 22:10 - 24:7)