Tract donation Bogard PressTract donation Bogard Press

Bogard Press Tract Donations Policy

  1. Donation orders will be placed through the Promotions department via Online Form.  The Promotions department can be reached via; at (903) 793-5133.
  2. The Promotions department will assure that the orders are filled following this procedure.
    1. Promotions will verify if the Church or mission is eligible. And then send the Request to the different departments by Docusign.
      1. First it will go to the BM for his approval and adjustments.
      2. Second it will go to Inventory to be pulled and taken to customer service with a copy of the journal being sent to promotions. If we don’t have the stock to fill, Inventory will ask the BM to recommend a substitute.
      3. Third it will be sent to the customer service dept to key a sales order for shipping under the customer’s account. Customer service will contact the customer for missing information and payment for shipping.
      4. Finally, it will go to Shipping to be shipped.
  3. Donations will be limited to 500 tracts (20 packages) per church/mission, per calendar year, for U.S.-based churches and missions only. We do not ship overseas.
  4. Donation requests will be filled at no cost to the customer, based upon tract availability. If we are low on the tracts (below 100 packages) the customer must purchase the tracts instead. Shipping will be charged on all orders.
  5. Donations will go through an order process similar to the existing order process. The Promotions department is responsible for producing the order forms and making them available to the BookStore, Customer Service and on the Website.