The Christian Education Bulletin has provided our customers with a space to find encouragement, ideas and others who might be struggling with the same things since 1971. It has been a place where Sunday School teachers, children’s ministers, education ministers, Sunday School directors, student ministers, volunteers, Wednesday night group leaders and more can come together to find ideas, encouragement and community.
By definition a blog is “a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites” or “a single entry or post on such a website.” That makes a blog the perfect digital space for the CEB to thrive. The new CEB Blog will be a digital space where co-laborers can share their thoughts, ideas, experiences, and opinions about ministry and Bogard Press products. It is a place for people to find encouragement, ideas and for others who might be struggling with the same thing.
We are excited to take the Christian Education Bulletin to the next level with our digital version of this Bogard Press classic.
The CEB Blog
Since 1971 the Christian Education Bulletin has been a place where Sunday School teachers, children’s ministers, education ministers, Sunday School directors, student ministers, volunteers, Wednesday night group leaders and others can come together to find ideas, encouragement and community.
Re-Opening Sunday School Checklist
Churches have been opening and closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic for months. Most churches, however, are opening for congregational worship only. Soon we hope churches will be opening for Sunday School as well. Make sure that you are prepared to lead your Sunday School class post COVID with this check list.
How To Get Your Sunday School Literature in the Hands of Your Church Members
We’ve been doing this whole social distancing discipleship thing for a while now or at least it feels that way. However, there is one hump that we must cross, literature distribution. So how can you church maintain social distancing and get your Sunday school or small group Bible study literature into the hands of your church members? We have some ideas.
Ten Reasons We Are Thankful for You
We all have experienced a very difficult and challenging time with the COVID pandemic. Yet, we have much for which to be thankful. We at Bogard Press want you to know that we are thankful for you. I would like to share ten reasons for which we are thankful for you.
Your Church Could Be Missing Out
If reaching children through your bus ministry, VBS or other outreach programs, Wednesday night teen meetings, children’s choir or Bible Challenge class is all that your children’s ministry or student ministry is trying to accomplish, then your ministry area and your church is missing out on one of the greatest blessings. Here’s why children’s and student ministries are so much more than reaching children and teens.