Re-Opening Sunday School Checklist

Re-Opening Sunday School Checklist

Re-Opening Sunday School Teacher Check List After COVID-19

Churches have been opening and closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic for months. Most churches, however, are opening for congregational worship only. Soon we hope churches will be opening for Sunday school as well. Make sure that you are prepared to lead your Sunday school class post COVID-19 with this check list.  

Contact all of your students to let them know that your church is reopening Sunday School

Even if you teach children, let them know that Sunday School is resuming and remind them how excited you are to see them. When you contact your students make sure to mention: 

  • That if they are experiencing symptoms to stay home. Review the symptom list with them. Symptoms may include: Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit and known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19 (from the Texas Health and Humans Services Checklist for Churches/Places of Worship).  
  • Let students know what to expect from the moment they are to come onto campus through how things will work in your classroom post COVID-19

Have hand sanitizer available for your students

Make sure to have hand sanitizer available for students to use before, after and even during class if they would like too. In most states, people are required to use hand sanitizer upon entering the church building. If your church is not providing hand sanitizer stations upon entrance to the building, you will definitely want to provide it for your students upon entrance to your classroom.

Have masks available

If your church is not making masks available to those who would like to wear them, you may want to have a few on stand-by. This may be a great way for someone in your church to make masks as a ministry to your class. So before buying, ask around to see who is making masks in your church or community. They may be willing to help you out.  

Develop a sanitizing strategy for your classroom if your church has not already given you one

You will want to refer to your state’s guidelines for reopening to see what your state requires. This may simply be wiping tables down with sanitizing wipes and spraying chairs with sanitizing spray or it may mean having to dip all toys in a 60/40 alcohol/water solution. 

Re-think and possibly redesign the layout of your classroom.

Social distancing is the key to avoiding COVID-19. Measure and define what works best in your classroom to help everyone remain 6 ft apart while attending class. Remind students as they enter and exit to maintain social distancing.  

Make sure to have enough literature available for all of your students.

While your church has been doing virtual ministry, some people may have found your church and begun attending online. When your Sunday school classes begin back, you will want to make sure that they feel included by having their own Sunday school literature. So make sure that your church has ordered enough for everyone in you class. If you need more, feel free to contact us. We will get you the additional literature you need as quickly as we can.