Intro to Adult Sunday School Study in Genesis, Part 2 Winter 2020-2021 

Intro to Adult Sunday School Study in Genesis, Part 2 Winter 2020-2021 

Adult Sunday School Genesis Part 2

Come join Bogard Press as we complete our journey through the book of Genesis, the book of beginnings. In Adult Sunday school during the fall of 2020, we studied the first part of Genesis. Here the Bible records several firsts in the story of the beginning of time: 

  • The first of creation 
  • The first man 
  • The first sin 
  • The first act of redemption
  • The first birth of a child 
  • The first murder 
  • The first flood 
  • The first ark 
  • The first sign 
  • The division of the people.

In the winter of 2020-2021 Sunday school quarter, Genesis continues as we see the story of God calling out one man to establish a special nation unto Himself. The narrative teaches us about: 

  • The faith of Abraham 
  • The promised Seed in Isaac 
  • The troubling birth of Esau and Jacob 
  • The development of Jacob into the prince of God (Israel) 
  • The provision of God for Israel through Joseph 

Genesis started with creation with Adam and Eve but ends in a coffin with the death of Joseph.  What a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ our Messiah who, in this study, is still yet to come to redeem us from our sins. From the first promise of the Messiah found in Genesis 3:15, the message of redemption is proclaimed throughout the Scriptures. In every book of the Bible, Jesus is the prominent character. Every book of the Bible reflects the love, compassion and sacrifice of Jesus Christ who came and paid the ultimate price for our salvation. 

The second part of Genesis introduces Sunday school students to Abraham who is known as the father of the faithful. Abraham earned this title by leaving everything he had known and traveled to a land that he knew nothing about. Abraham did not have a road atlas or any other instructions except for God telling him He would show him where to go. 

Abraham’s faithfulness teaches us how we can have a righteous standing with God. Abraham made some mistakes along the way, as we all do. He even tried to help God out, but God guided him through, just as He will guide us. 

Abraham learned patience. How long would you want to wait for a promise to be fulfilled? Abraham waited for twenty-five years for Isaac to be born. Isaac was the child that God had promised Abraham and Sarah. 

When Isaac was a teenager, God told Abraham to offer him as a sacrifice. God was testing Abraham’s faith. The beautiful picture portrayed here was the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins. You will notice that Isaac never complained, he just followed his father’s instructions. The Bible tells us that Jesus never opened His mouth, He was led as a lamb to the slaughter. Jesus did that because of His love for us. 

God provided a wife for Isaac, Rebekah. God gave Isaac and Rebekah twins, Esau and Jacob. When Esau and Jacob were born, two nations were born. God made a great nation, Israel through Jacob. This was God’s chosen nation. God chose the Israelite nation to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, because through this nation, Jesus would be born. 

God gave Jacob twelve sons. Two of the twelve sons had a major impact on the history of the Israelite nation and the world. The fourth son’s name was Judah and through his lineage, Jesus would be born. The eleventh son’s name was Joseph and through Joseph, God preserved the nation of Israel through a devasting time of history. 

You do not want to miss out on this great Sunday school series. Through the Bible study of the lives of patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we see not only God’s redemptive plan but also His great love and care for His people. This Bible study show us that just as God cared, loved, provided for, protected and preserved the nation of Israel, He does the same for His children now. All He asks for in return is our faithfulness to Him. So, let us learn from these examples of how to be faithful. We look forward to the joy we can share together as we complete Bogard Press' Bible study in the book of Genesis.