Business Manager’s Report - May 2023
Business Manager’s May 1, 2023 Report:
The Psalmist expressed the joy of fellowship among spiritual brethren as he wrote, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1)! This Scripture comes to mind as I remember the visit of the Baptist Sunday School Committee. The brethren came from all over the United States to visit and labor together in deliberation and the administration of the operations in Texarkana. They discussed current situations and considered future needs. To have these brethren visit was a blessing and encouragement to me and all who labor at Bogard Press and Baptist Bookstore. I look forward to being among them again at the meeting in Spokane in June.
On April 21st, all the employees and I met together in the new Bible Room. We were very happy to see the project finished and rejoiced together. Our building Chaplain Glen Ridings led us in a prayer of thanksgiving and dedication. I am very grateful first to God and then to all the employees who labored in some way to bring this vision into reality. I also thank the Texas Mission Builders for their work on the shelves for the room. Many visitors have already found their shopping experience much improved with this addition. I encourage all who are in or come through Texarkana to come visit the new Bible Room.
Recently, I had the privilege of speaking at the commencement services for the Louisiana Missionary Baptist Seminary. It was a joy and honor to visit again with the brethren with whom I served several years. I also hope to be at the graduation services of the Missionary Baptist Seminary in Little Rock on May 12th. Then, on May 13th, I plan to be at the Hyde Park Baptist church in West Monroe, Louisiana for the HPB Publications celebration of its recent completion of the Baptist New Testament Commentary. I have had the privilege of serving with these folks on this project now for about 15 years since its beginning. Yes, I am blessed to be able to fellowship with the brethren.
May is a busy month at Bogard Press. Unfortunately, one of the men who runs the big press was injured, so that press is down for a couple of months. We have another young man who is training on the press. Although this shutdown created a problem, we immediately made allowances for the situation, and all is well. I am glad to report that due to excellent productivity among the workers, most of the processes in the building are on schedule or ahead of schedule. We are blessed to have a great group of laborers at Bogard Press.
Business Manager
J. Crain