Editor In Chief - Template

EDITOR IN CHIEF - April 2022


In the first fifteen verses of Romans 16, Paul mentioned twenty-seven individuals by name. His purpose for mentioning them was to commend them for their kingdom service, to urge his readers to welcome them and to encourage a hospitable environment among the people of God. By inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul gave credit where credit was due, etching their names into history for their commendable service to the saints for the glory of God.

As the school year approaches its end, maybe you have observed some standout people in your church who deserve to be mentioned by name. Maybe you can name a faithful Sunday School or BTC teacher, a dependable deacon or deacon’s wife, a devoted Bible Challenge volunteer or a reliable confidant. Truly, the work of the Lord’s churches could not be sustained without the faithful and selfless service of God’s people.

Taking a cue from the apostle Paul, maybe we should take time to recognize the people in the ministry that honor the Lord. Great volunteers do not serve for accolades, but it is always proper to acknowledge the hard work done by God’s people. Earlier in the book, Paul urged his readers to give people the credit they are due.

At Bogard Press, we provide several options for you to consider in presenting certificates of appreciation, whether it be for VBS, Bible Challenge, or any other type of voluntary service. Take advantage of every opportunity to express your gratitude for the volunteers in your church. Let them know how much they are appreciated by God and by others.


Mark Clements

Editor in Chief