Devotional Blog Thursday, September 28

Devotional Blog

Daily Devotional for Thursday, September 28

He Hath Done All Things Well

“And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak,” Mark 7:37.


Have you ever met that person who just seems to perfectly fit the role they are in? For instance, we might say some people are just “naturalborn leaders.” Or we may observe somebody is in a job or position that just seems to be a perfect fit. It may even seem like they perform the job with little effort. They rarely make a mistake and usually excel. It seems they are just good at everything.

Jesus consistently demonstrated such skills. People were constantly astonished at the things He did. Sometimes, they were astonished at His teaching and doctrine. In this case, they were astonished at the healings He was performing. Looking back, we know Jesus was perfect. He never sinned, said a wrong word or erred in any other way. Of course, we understand now that sinless perfection was necessary in order for Him to pay the sin penalty for all men of all time. We understand this now because we have the gospel accounts to tell us so. In Jesus’ day, the only thing people had were the Old Testament and words and actions of Jesus.

Jesus came promising to clean people from the inside out. He offered the forgiveness of sin on numerous occasions. Since this was something only God could do, Jesus needed to supply the proper credentials. How can you be a better person? Well, you will never be better by your own feeble efforts. Jesus still heals, and He will heal you from the inside out. Are you on a legalistic hamster wheel trying to make yourself pleasing to God? Get off that wheel, and let Jesus do the work.

JUST A THOUGHT: Jesus was perfect in all things. We are not perfect, but by grace, Jesus makes us perfect in the eyes of the Father. 

Wally Fry