Learning to be Content

Learning to be Content

Learning To Be Content

As I look out my kitchen window, I view a peaceful world for the most part. Living "in the woods" as my late wife Becky described it, I find the scenes fairly limited. I wonder if my spiritual view is limited as well. I am homebound since I no longer drive, and I also have physical limitations. Dependency on the kindness of friends and neighbors for needed transportation has made me appreciate life even more. So, I have asked the Lord to put people in my path that I might be a witness to them. I caution you, however, that if you pray this prayer, be ready. I have been able to witness to delivery people, mail carriers and the occasional politician! The apostle Paul wrote that he learned how to be content (Philippians 4:11-13). While things have dramatically changed in my life, I am learning to adapt... contentedly.

By John Way


John Way is a member of Rings Chapel MBC where he serves as Adult Sunday School teacher, Music Director and Deacon.