Devotional Blog Friday, July 15

Daily Devotional for Friday, July 15

Covenant with the Church

Church is declining. Less and less people attend church regularly. As they say, statistics do not lie. It used to be more of a norm for people to attend church. It was just what people did on Sundays. I think that went out with black and white television. I have visited with several people who say they are saved, have an active prayer life and study the Bible regularly, but church is just not on their schedules. Is this okay? 

The Lord Jesus Christ established the first church during His personal ministry on earth. His plan is for His churches to be launching pads for service to the uttermost parts of the world. Church members are to come to the church where they are a member for teaching, encouragement, care and collective worship. Each member is to leave to evangelize and show Christlikeness to the world. 

So, what if you take the attending church part out of this equation? I would give up my right arm if you could prove to me that most non-attenders are faithfully serving the Lord. You might be able to make a strong case that most attenders are not faithfully serving the Lord. Not attending church is not the answer (Hebrews 10:25). Big things happen for the Lord during a church service. People get saved and baptized, and believers recommit their lives to the Lord. You need your church simply because it is built upon Christ, and He loves all His churches. He said you need to be faithful to Him through the church where you are a member (Ephesians 3:21).

Thought: Go to church this Sunday!


Phillip Miller