Devotional Blog Monday, August 5

Daily Devotional for Monday, August 5

David’s Petition and Praise

“Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens, let thy glory be above all the earth,” Psalm 57:5.


“What are you going to be when you grow up?” We have all heard this asked of students, especially when they were small. Some want to be astronauts, many want to be marine biologists, and there are always a few vets in the crowd. Most do not make it to NASA, the coasts or to vet school. This involves a lot of hard work that most of us are not willing to do.

We sometimes do the same things with Scripture and our prayers. I want you to re-read that line from verse 5. Now read it again. Now visualize this verse in the context of the whole Bible. Most importantly, pray this verse in the context of your life, “Be exalted, God, above every living thing, above every non-living thing, above everything that is. Let the whole world, every living human see your glory and worship You.”

That is a lofty prayer. Clearly, only God could accomplish that prayer. But I want to ask you a few questions about this prayer: Are you doing anything to see this fulfilled? Do you really mean it when you pray it? Is it just religious talk? Do you regularly pray this kind of prayer? Do you pray that God would call your children or your grandchildren to the mission field? Do you attempt to know missionaries or go as a missionary? Are you helping fund those who are overseas? Do you regularly celebrate reports of God’s Word spreading in the hard-to-reach places? Do you know where the hard-to-reach places are? Do you pray for those hard-to-reach places? God has graciously invited us into this work. Are you accepting this invitation with your words alone, or are you doing the work to see it accomplished?


“Father, cause us to see your name exalted among all peoples. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


Jason Rutherford