Devotional Blog Monday, February 13th

Daily Devotional for Monday, February 13th

John Mark Abandons the Team

“Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia:
and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem,” Acts 13:13.


Not many things are more disappointing than to be abandoned by someone we thought was prepared, steadfast and loyal. It is as if we decided to charge up a hill together, only to turn and see our comrade walking away as we head up the hill. We have probably all been victim of this, and we may have even done it to another. After all, we are all human with human weaknesses.

When John Mark departed at Perga, no reason was given. Some suggestions: (1) he was homesick, (2) he resented the change in leadership from Barnabas (his cousin) to Paul, (3) he became ill (an illness that may have affected all of them) (Galatians 4:13), (4) he was unable

to withstand the rigors and dangers of the missionary journey. Many other suggestions could be listed. The fact remains that John Mark left the group leaving the others to shoulder the responsibilities that he may have undertaken within the group. The result for Barnabas and Paul was that they probably had to overcome great disappointment and discouragement.

Nevertheless, they continued the journey and churches were established because of their labors. Jesus taught that the faithful would experience trials and tribulations. In John 16:33, He told His disciples, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” The words of Jesus are great encouragement for believers to remain faithful and continue faithfully laboring for the Lord. If we remain faithful until the end, we possibly will hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).


No matter what the challenges that a faithful servant may face,
he must always keep his eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.



Wally Fry