Devotional Blog Monday, October 3

Daily Devotional for Monday, October 3 

Caleb’s Great Faith

Great lives are determined in great moments of faith. For Caleb, this moment happened as a young man when the great leader Moses had sent him along with eleven other men to spy on the land of Canaan. There he saw huge men and even larger cities with walls unlike any he had ever seen. Ten of the twelve spies saw the futility of a young nation’s attempt to conquer a land filled with warriors. Caleb saw evidence that God had brought them from being slaves to the greatest civilization that had ever existed, to a place of service to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Caleb saw the substance of that land and it served as hope that God would give him all that he ever needed. Caleb told the elders to look to God and fight for the land that had been promised them. 

In that moment, God gave a promise which He kept some forty years later. All the others died in the wilderness, never setting foot into the land they spied out. Literally, thousands who had left Egypt died in the barren wilderness because of their lack of faith while Caleb grew older and older. Now, an old man among a new generation of fighters, Caleb stood in the land promised him years before, with the strength of a man much younger. The moments of faith in his life had become a lifetime of strength in the service of God, and God rewarded his service.

REFLECTION: Will you fill your lifetime with moments of service even in the face of others’ doubt? 

David Thompson