Devotional Blog - Saturday, January 21st

Devotional Blog - Saturday, January 21st

Daily Devotional for Saturday, January 21st

They Who Sow in Tears


Farming is a hard and tedious work. Treating and tilling the soil then planting and watering for weeks or months before any sign of a harvest shows. Weather can be a determining factor as the farmer patiently waits for his crops. Animals may come and destroy the crop before the time of harvest. There are many factors that weigh on the farmers mind as he faithfully and patiently tends the crops awaiting the harvest with great hope.

So it is with souls. We faithfully tend the soil of the soul as we carefully share the Gospel in a specific way to penetrate the heart of the hearer. We return to be sure that no weeds of confusion have sprouted in the mind of the hearer only to find that some other conditions have affected their reception of the Gospel. Time passes and circumstances come like a flock of birds plucking at the leaves that have sprouted causing the hearer to have doubts and questions. Meanwhile, we weep in prayer for their soul to be rescued by the Savior.

In His time, God will bring a harvest of Joy that we have so earnestly sown and we celebrate when that soul awakens to the truth of the Gospel. As we rejoice in the salvation of our acquaintance, all the time we spent sowing and weeping in prayer seems so small in light of the Joy we experience for one saved soul. All of the plowing, planting, and praying brings forth a great harvest as one more soul is rescued from Hell.


Reflection. It may seem that you are sowing the Gospel without reaping any harvest. Continue sowing faithfully and God will bring a harvest filled with Joy one day.


Steven Ridings