Devotional Blog Saturday, July 23

Daily Devotional for Saturday, July 23

By Grace—Through Faith

Salvation starts with God. God is righteous, and you are not. Therein is the problem. You are a sinner and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). But then, God’s grace provided salvation. Grace means that God freely gives you salvation even though you did not deserve it. Salvation is the gift of God. You cannot earn it, buy it or go anywhere else to get it. Salvation only comes by God’s grace. 

God purchased your salvation with the life of His only begotten Son. God loves you, gave His Son Jesus to die for you, and thereby providing salvation for you. It is the gospel—the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the only way of salvation. 

Salvation is through faith. You must believe it, and that is not just a head knowledge belief as in believing some historical fact. It is a belief that takes over your whole life. It is the faith that produces faithfulness. When you are saved through faith, you are a new creation in Jesus Christ, born again with the Spirit of God indwelling you. Everything about you has changed, and now your greatest desire is to please God. 

If you are not saved, I plead with you to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). If you are saved, please feel free to use this material to tell someone who is lost how to be saved.

Thought: Are you saved?

Phillip Miller