Devotional Blog Saturday, November 2

Daily Devotional for Saturday, November 2

The Psalmist Speaks to Israel

“Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities,” Psalm 130:7, 8.


The phrase “point of no return” was originally an aviation phrase. It marked the point in an air journey past which an airplane could no longer turn around and return to its departure point; there was no choice but to continue onward to the destination. Over the years, it has taken on additional symbolic meaning and is often applied to people’s lives. As in, “That guy’s life may have reached the point of no return.” Meaning that, in his case, changing course was no longer possible. Some people are just considered too far gone to be brought back. Some of us may believe ourselves too far gone to be brought back.

The best thing about the Lord’s redemption is that no one is too far gone. God saves people at all stages. He saves the six-year-old who has done no more wrong than not sharing his toys with his siblings. He saves the person who has lived hard and fast under the shadow of addiction. Did you know He will save even the most heinous murderer? No one is too far gone for God. Israel knew something about this. Their history has always been one of rejection and turning from God, only to cry out to Him for redemption later. What was God’s unfailing reaction? Every single time, God offered salvation. How great is that?

This psalm points out some important things. Verse 3 tells us that if God were keeping a list, no person would deserve grace and mercy. Yet, He unfailingly offers it. God offers grace and mercy to you, no matter where you are. Have you accepted it?


Many run around this life saying that they want to get “what they deserve.” No, you really do not want that. What you want is grace and mercy.


Wally Fry