Devotional Blog Saturday, October 1

Daily Devotional for Saturday, October 1 

Death Swallowed Up in Victory

There are men and women in powerful positions who speak words, and things happen. Corporate CEOs, presidents and others wield great power with just a spoken word. Yet, none of these speak words with the power of God Almighty. 

Our God spoke creation and time into existence. Back in the beginning, for example, God said, “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3) and there was light! God spoke, and time as we understand it came into existence. There is a huge difference between presidents and God, however. When a president speaks, his or her words only change things within the bounds of time as we understand it. They cannot speak things into existence in a time that has not yet occurred. God, the One who sees the end from the beginning, can do that. That is because God exists outside of time as we know it; because He exists in all eternal dimensions, when He speaks of the future, that future for an eternal God is already here! That is almost incomprehensible, is it not? 

What does that mean to us considering the narrative today? To coin a colloquialism, it means, “no worries.” God tells us how it all ends because the narrative tells us so. No matter the trials and tribulations of today (in our time-limited human minds), death is already swallowed up in victory and our tears are already wiped away. “The Lord God hath spoken it” (verse 8). Because He has, it is done. We can now spend our earthly lives doing God’s plan God’s way, knowing that the end is written and done already. Assurance cannot be any surer than that.

JUST A THOUGHT: Even though we talk about the future promises of God, in His reality they are for now and already done. 

Wally Fry