Devotional Blog Sunday, April 14

Daily Devotional for Sunday, April 14

Paul’s Reason for Not Visiting

“Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us,” 1 Thessalonians 2:18.


In May of 2001, Erik Weihenmayer accomplished something that only about one hundred fifty people per year do—reaching the top of Mount Everest. The thing that made Erik’s achievement unusual is that he is the first blind person to succeed in scaling the tallest mountain in the world. Erik was born with a disease called retinoschisis, and by the time he was thirteen he was completely blind. Rather than focus on what he could not do, he made the choice to focus on what he could do and went much further than almost anyone expected. Erik Weihenmayer’s autobiography is titled Touch the Top of the World: A Blind Man’s Journey to Climb Farther Than the Eye Can See.

Many times we face a choice: will we allow obstacles to stop us, or will

we keep pressing on regardless of opposition and trouble? It would be nice if following God meant that things would always work out well, and people would always like us. The reality is that many times doing what is right requires overcoming obstacles. We should not expect constant smooth sailing, nor should we allow troubles that arise to convince us to quit.

Paul often faced interference from Satan, but he continued faithfully to preach the gospel. Satan hindered Paul from arriving in Thessalonica when he intended. But God used the interference to cause Paul to write this letter which now serves as a help to churches around the globe. Paul could have completely given up in the face of opposition; but instead, he wrote by inspiration of Holy Spirit in place of preaching in person.


A life of obedience to God will be filled with conflict. Continue faithfully in spite of what may come your way.


Steven Ridings