Devotional Blog Sunday, August 28

Daily Devotional for Sunday, August 28

Fulfill the Law

There is an insurance company that is always advertising, “The Bundle.” It is a way for buyers to put all of their insurance needs into one account, with financial savings and convenience. You love things to be easy, affordable and convenient. This example is not meant to be trite at all, but in a rather trite way it does illustrate an important point. 

In your faith life, you can have things difficult and inconvenient, or you can have things in a way that makes it easy. This is not to say the Christian life is easy because it is not always. In fact, being a Christian often makes temporal things harder than they would be if you were not. On the other hand, some things are not nearly as difficult as you make them out to be. 

Here is a hard thing; in fact, here is an impossible thing. The impossible thing is that you can never work your way into God’s grace by working and striving. You can follow every rule, and adhere to every law, and all you will do is work yourself to death. You can work your way right into hell and eternal spiritual death. This earthly existence for someone who is not saved is not very good either, living with uncertainty and fear over your eternal destination. 

Love is the key. First and foremost, you must love Him. This means you have to be saved. Because He loves you, He offers this. You must be saved and love God with all of your heart, soul and mind. Then, with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you can then love your neighbor as you love yourself. When you love God, and subsequently everyone else, then everything else is both completed and possible through these two things. 

JUST A THOUGHT: With love, all things in the Christian life are possible; without it none of them are.

Wally Fry