Devotional Blog - Thursday, January 12th

Devotional Blog - Thursday, January 12th

Daily Devotional for Thursday, January 12th

Israel’s Favor Seen in Abraham

God called Abram out of nowhere, a man of no pedigree or purpose. But God gave Him a purpose and promised that He would make of Him a great nation. From the time of God’s call, He began to work in Abram’s life to bring about His purpose to show the world of His power and His saving Grace. God changed his name from Abram (meaning “exalted Father”) to Abraham (meaning “Father of a multitude”).

The promises that God gave to Abram in Genesis 12, He continued to fulfill through Israel during their journeys with God. Through God’s chosen people Israel, the favor that God showed Abram was seen not only by them, but by all the world around them. Everywhere that Israel travelled, the favor and the glory of God was known.

Through Israel, God kept His promises to Abraham as He unfolded His plan to make His name known among the earth and to bring the Messiah to a lost and hopeless world. God’s favor on Abraham, seen through His descendants (Israel), is a call of redemption to the lost world. Before God called Abram, he had no purpose and no future. Before salvation, no man has hope of a purpose of future. But thanks be to God for His redemption He offers through Christ.


Reflection: God chose Abraham to make of him a great nation, a people for His own glory.

Steven Ridings