Devotional Blog Thursday, November 24

Daily Devotional for Thursday, November 24

Crown of Glory

“Not on my watch.” That expression is rooted in some military terminology and is quite simple. Those who perform watch are responsible for those over whom they watch. Commanders are responsible for the performance and actions of their subordinates. Even in the secular business world, managers and leaders are generally held to account not only for what they do, but what those who report to them do. When things are good, they get much of the credit; when things are bad, they likewise get much of the blame. With power and authority comes responsibility. 

This is also a biblical principle. Those who lead others bear special responsibilities and will receive special rewards. Mostly this passage is specifically spoken to those who pastor the Lord’s churches which may be true, but the principle applies to leaders of all sorts. This includes pastors, youth workers, teachers and even writers! The moment one accepts the call to serve in such a capacity, one accepts the precept of responsibility for the spiritual health and well-being of others. God never calls us without also enabling us. God never fails. Yet, we see leaders fail every day. Did God mess up and call the wrong person? Of course not! 

The answer to this seeming paradox is the same as it is anytime God’s people fail. When we turn from God we fail, and when we stick with God we succeed. The truth is that our leaders often have a tougher time doing it God’s way, because they have us to contend with. But, for those who do, there is a special reward waiting for them in Heaven.

JUST A THOUGHT: Our leaders bear special burdens in this life; Jesus is waiting with a special reward for those who lead His way.

Wally Fry