Devotional Blog - Tuesday, February 21st

Daily Devotional for Tuesday, February 21st

The Contrast and Conspiracy

“But the multitude of the city was divided: and part held with the Jews,
and part with the apostles. And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles,
and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them despitefully, and to stone them,
they…fled unto Lystra and Derbe,” Acts 14:4-6.


“We were targets well before knowing it. The plot began as we ministered on an island near the lair of a certain militant group who viewed us as valuable assets for ransom. I had been aware of such schemes involving others. In fact, some years before, our next-door neighbor, a businessman in the city, had disappeared. I saw him almost a year to the day when he went missing, as he walked up to his house, disheveled and emaciated. Apparently, someone had paid.”—Memoirs of a Missionary, Glen Knight
There are times when we move on before we think we are ready. I have on a few occasions, left work undone in order to press on with other things,
always thinking to get back to it sooner or later, but sometimes having to assign the finishing to others. After all, that is how the Lord multiplies
His work. And through it, He adds more laborers to the effort. It is a matter of stubborn will to not want to give up, especially when it becomes
obvious that that is the best course of action. But typically, when opportunities of ministry close, there are others that open. One may discover
wider fields of labor awaiting which would never have been known. And at the same time, in those fields there are other laborers who need to be
found, trained and given an opportunity to serve. Jesus said, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35). It is actually difficult to see the broad expanse of the field while focusing work only in a corner. To view the scope of work is to see far beyond our immediate surroundings.



Things may make us fearful but trusting the Lord
will always propel us forward.


Glen Knight