Devotional Blog Tuesday, July 5

Daily Devotional for Tuesday, July 5

He Is Able To Save

The hungry wolves arrived at sundown. Quickly moving his sheep to the pasture’s center, the shepherd made his stance with shouts and waves of his shepherd’s rod and staff. Still, the wolves approached, snarling with brandished teeth. The flock tightened. The shepherd wielded his rod and staff nearer and nearer the approaching pack. It would be a long night. 

The cunning creatures surrounded the fearless shepherd and his frightened sheep. His back to his sheep and his face to the wolves, he guarded his flock, knees wide and bent, shoulders arched, and ready to pounce. A wolf charged to be met by the whack of the shepherd’s rod. The wolves grew braver; the shepherd grew tired. But every attempt he met with defense. His love for his sheep drove his fight through fatigue. All night long he remained between his beloved sheep and the ruthless wolves. When morning dawned, the bruised wolves sulked back into the woods. Another night, another victory, but there would be more to come. 

When Jesus promised you eternal life and that no one could pluck you out of His hands, He spoke of being the Good Shepherd. “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Of course, Jesus spoke of His death on the cross that paid for your salvation, but Jesus fights for you every day. Jesus protects you from Satan and those who do Satan’s bidding. Jesus intercedes for you daily, and no one or nothing can separate you from His protective love.

Thought: It is good to be one of Jesus’ sheep 


Phillip Miller