Devotional Blog Tuesday, October 4

Daily Devotional for Tuesday, October 4 

Caleb’s Faith Became Sight

There used to be a day when being a company man was an honorable and desired goal for a person. In other words, those who worked hard and were loyal would ultimately be rewarded with promotions and even financial benefits. That was how it worked. 

Caleb was a Biblical example of a company man. Caleb, along with Joshua, stood firm in the face of fear and uncertainty and delivered a good report to the people; their stance was, with God behind us we can do this! As we all know, the other ten spies were naysayers and delivered a bad report. Unfortunately, the people went along with the bad report, and thus began forty years of desert wandering. Only Caleb and Joshua remained alive of all the people in their age group. These two stood firm on God’s plan and were ultimately rewarded. Later we see Caleb approach Joshua and remind his companion of his faithful service and that he was ready to collect his reward. Caleb, despite being in advanced years, remained ready to take control of what God had given him. In this case, faithful and long service was rewarded, and Caleb received his portion of the Promised Land. 

Just like corporate life will usually let us down, life in general often will. Sometimes, we give everything only to find we are given nothing. This is not true with God. Sacrifice and hardship in God’s service will always be justly rewarded, even if it is only in eternity.

JUST A THOUGHT: When God makes a promise, it is done the instant He makes it. We just may have to wait and sacrifice for a bit.

Wally Fry