Children's Church, SPLASH VISUALS, Spring 2025
SPLASH Visuals contain everything from games to puzzles, real-life photo scenarios, biblical scenarios and more.
Uses King James Version Scriptures only.
Product Description
To aid teachers in sharing the many biblical truths and life applications found in the SPLASH Teacher Leaflets, SPLASH Visuals are the perfect tool to help teachers communicate biblical truth in an active way.
Various lessons use the visuals in different ways to help teachers during Sing, Pray, Learn, Activity, Scripture and Home Time. No matter which teaching option you choose, or the age group that you are teaching, the SPLASH Visuals will be beneficial to your classroom.
Uses King James Version Scriptures only.
1. Jacob’s Prayer (Genesis 32:9-12)
2. More to It (Genesis 37)
3. Be Patient, It Just Takes Time (Genesis 39—45)
4. I Don’t Understand (Exodus 1; 2)
5. Pick Me! I Will Do It! (Exodus 2:11-15; 3:1-15)
6. Divide and Conquer (Exodus 14)
7. Ten Commandments (Exodus 20)
8. From Sad to Glad (Joshua 1:1-5)
9. Taking the Lead (Joshua 1)
10. Always Obey (Joshua 3; 4)
11. Winning Battles (Joshua 6)
12. Stick with Met (Ruth 1; 2:10-12)
13. Never Forgotten (Ruth 2—4)
Theme Lesson: Not Guilty (Luke 23:1-7, 13-25)
1. God wants me to pray.
2. I should trust that God always has a plan.
3. I have to be patient and let God reveal His plan.
4. Even when I don’t understand, I should follow God’s plan.
5. I should never let my weaknesses stop me from serving God.
6. I need to follow Gods plan.
7. I need to follow God’s plan for loving Him and others.
8. I can find comfort in God when someone dies.
9. God can use me to lead.
10. I should obey God.
11. God can help me defeat my enemies.
12. I need to show God’s love to my friends.
13. God never forgets about me.
Theme: Though innocent, Jesus died for me
so that I can be with Him forever.