Sunday School SPLAT 1st & 2nd GRADE TEACHER LEAFLETS, Spring 2025

The SPLAT 1st & 2nd Grade Teacher Leaflets strive to provide teaching options to help lead activities and share Bible truths during Sunday School for Share, Pray, Learn, Apply and Tell times.

Uses King James Version Scriptures only.


Not returnable after 03/01/2025

Product Description

With a bulleted format for ease, the SPLAT 1st & 2nd Grade Teacher Leaflets allow Sunday School teachers to engage with their students without the bulkiness of a teaching script and to help their students engage in active learning.

The leaflets are full of step-by-step activities and allow teachers to share tasks and easily prepare for substitute teachers. A teacher can choose activities based on how much time he has to prepare, the learning styles of his students and the setup of his classroom.

The SPLAT 1st & 2nd Grade Visuals is another component to use in teaching the students.

Uses King James Version Scriptures only.



2.  I HAVE IT—I HAVE IT NOT! (Job 1:6-22; 2:1-10)

3.  GOD-OUR TRUE FRIEND (Job 2:11—32:1)

4.  PLEASE FORGIVE ME (Job 38:1—42:6)

5.  ON THE BRIGHT SIDE (Job 42:7-17)

6.  FOLLOW ME—I HAVE A PLAN (Genesis 12)

7.  GOOD-BYE…HELLO AGAIN! (Genesis 13; 14)

8.  A PROMISE IN THE STARS (Genesis 15:1-6)

9. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP (Genesis 15:7-18)

10.  LORD HELP! (Genesis 18; 19)

11.  IT’S A BOY! (Genesis 21:1-6)

12.  WHAT DO WE DO?  (Genesis 21:8-21)

13.  WHERE IS THE LAMB? (Genesis 22)

14.  FORGIVENESS FROM THE CROSS (Luke 23:32-38; 24:1-12)




1.  I have to have a teachable heart. 

2.  Even when I am hurt, I need to worship God.

3.  I need to be a comforting friend.

4.  When I sin, I need to ask God for forgiveness.

5.  When I am right with God, He can bless me.

6.  I need to trust that God has something planned for me.

7. God can do great things through me when I obey Him.

8.  Have I accepted God’s promise?

9.  God encourages me with His promises.

10.  I need to ask forgiveness for the sin in my life.

11.  God will fulfill His promises to me, but I have to trust Him to
do it in His time.

12.  I need to let God open my eyes to His plan for me.

13.  Jesus’ death on the cross covers my sins if I accept Jesus as
my Lord and Savior.

14. Jesus died on Calvary for me.

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