Sunday School SPLAT 5th & 6th GRADE TELL CARDS, Spring 2025
SPLAT 5th & 6th Grade Tell Cards are a great resource to turn Sunday School into family ministry and are meant as the take-home component of SPLAT.
Uses King James Version Scriptures only.
Product Description
For use during Tell time, SPLAT 5th & 6th Grade Tell Cards contain take-home activities for students. The 2.75” x 4” cards include the lesson memory verses as well as an activity for students and parents to do together that follows up the life application of each week’s SPLAT Sunday School lesson.
Teachers will need one set of Tell Cards per student.
Uses King James Version Scriptures only.
1. YOUNG KING FINDS THE LOST WORD OF GOD (2 Kings 22:1, 2; 2 Chronicles 34)
2. JESUS IS COMING AGAIN! (Zephaniah 3:8-20)
3. DON’T WORRY, GOD’S GOT A PLAN FOR YOU (Jeremiah 1:1-12)
4. THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD! (Jeremiah 10:1-16)
5. THE POTTER KNOWS THE CLAY (Jeremiah 18:1-11)
6. GOD’S WORD CAN’T BE DESTROYED (Jeremiah 36:1-32)
7. TRUST GOD NO MATTER WHAT (Habakkuk 3:1-19)
8. READ AND RECEIVE GOD’S WORD (Ezekiel 2:1—3:15)
10. GIVE IT ALL TO JESUS (Ezekiel 36:26, 27)
11. LIVING WITH JESUS (Ezekiel 43:1-12)
12. AVOID PUNISHMENT (2 Kings 25:1-21)
13. GOD TRULY REWARDS (Daniel 1:3-17)
Theme: HE’S ALIVE! (Luke 24:1-11)
1. I need to read the Bible so that I will know and want to do what is right.
2. If I am saved, I will spend eternity with Jesus when He returns.
3. Before I was born, God had a plan for me. I need to seek God to see His plan.
4. I need to trust that God is alive and can do great things in my life.
5. If I let Him, He will shape my life into His will for me.
6. God gave me His eternal Word so that I can please Him.
7. Though difficult times come, God is still in control.
8. I read my Bible so that I know what it says and can share what it says with others.
9. I am like a wandering sheep and need to be found and led by Jesus.
10. God gives me a new heart when I am saved.
11. I look forward to living with Jesus for eternity.
12. When I disobey God, He must discipline me.
13. God rewards me when I obey Him.
Theme. I trust that Jesus is alive and can live in my life.