The CEB Blog - Remembering Dr. David Robinson

The CEB Blog - Remembering Dr. David Robinson

Remembering Dr. David Robinson

“Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour,” Romans 13:7.


Paul informed the Christians in Rome that one way the world could observe Christ in their activities would be through the way they showed respect to their leaders. Demonstrating honor toward leaders, whether civil or spiritual, fulfills God’s requirement of His children to love other people (Romans 13:8). Over the course of its history, God has blessed Bogard Press with spiritual leadership worth honoring.


For 29 years, Dr. David Robinson faithfully served the churches of the American Baptist Association through his writing for Bogard Press. Bro. David wrote diligently while also fulfilling his calling as a husband, father and pastor. The printed units that contained his writing number in the millions and only eternity will show the number of lives impacted by his writing ministry.


On October 11, 2022, three members of the Baptist Sunday School Committee (Phillip Miller,Terry Parrish, and Todd Dornan) presented Dr. David Robinson a plaque of appreciation for his 29 years of faithful dedication in writing for Bogard Press.

This presentation was supposed to have been done in the 2022 ABA meeting in Orlando, FL, but circumstances prohibited Dr. Robinson from attending. The Baptist Sunday School Committee and Bogard Press want to say again how much we have appreciated the writing of Dr. Robinson. He is sorely missed.


Mark Clements